Thank you so much for helping me with my program. You have motivated me heaps to continue to train, eat well and live a more balanced lifestyle. I have found Tom friendly, encouraging and patient with my needs. Thanks so much for your support
Catherine R - Murrumbeena

My body awareness, balance and overall health have improved greatly since joining the 'Health in Balance' team over two years ago.
Everything is measured, goals are individual and attainable.
Daniel, Edouard and Sarah are a testament to the name 'Health in Balance'. Their approach to exercise is diverse, accommodating and administered with a wonderful spirit.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Tilly Z - Caulfield North
As I approached 60 I was wanting to exercise more to improve my strength and stamina but was reluctant to go to a gym for fear of exacerbating an existing condition, so when I heard about Health in Balance I was eager to try them out.
Now two years later I am really feeling the benefits of the twice weekly sessions. I feel stronger and fitter than I have in a long time, and most importantly I feel completely safe because the team are qualified exercise physiologists. Exercise programs are tailored for individual needs, so the exercises vary according to our specific needs and abilities; we are closely monitored and regularly given new challenges, all in a friendly and supportive environment.
I recommend Health in Balance without any hesitation.
Sue H - Carnegie
I have been going to Health in Balance for just over 3 years,
I have never been one to do much exercise but since joining Health in Balance I feel physically and mentally better than ever.
I have finally found a place where I feel comfortable, and cared for.
I strongly recommend Health in Balance for anyone who wants to improve their well-being.
Susan G - Caulfield North

I am 84 years old and suffer from COPD (Emphysema)
I have trouble breathing after any excursion, and had trouble in putting on my socks in the morning.
I have been attending Health in Balance for about one year for 45minutes of exercise each week.
Now I have no trouble with dressing, breath better and can walk greater distances without loss of breath.
The exercise physiologists are very helpful at all times , never push you beyond what you are capable of
If you need some exercise with professional instructors i would recommend Health in Balance to you.
Les C - Cheltenham
Working with my exercise physiologist over the past 10 months has been a challenging but a rewarding experience. He has helped me gain greater insight into my chronic fatigue syndrome while instilling me with strategies to manage it.
Heath in balance's environment has been one of support, encouragement and guidance which has aided in times where my chronic fatigue has exacerbated.
They have been consistently positive and continue to provide me with much strength and optimism. My exercise physiologist is patient and understands my need to maintain my training which is vital to my recovery process.
He has been truly committed to working with me and I look forward to continue to work with him while focusing on overcoming my current health/training restrictions.
Elisheva M - Caulfield North
It was with some reservation and anxiety that I agreed to attend Health in Balance to see an exercise physiologist.
However these feelings disappeared fast as my exercise physiologist conducted my initial assessment. His professional and approachable manner put me at ease. Over the past 6 months his encouragement and his firm yet non-judgmental approach has given me the confidence to work on my exercise program and make adjustments to my eating habits.
He works with my strengths and with his constructive positive feedback he pushes me to want to do better I wouldn’t hesitant to recommend Health in Balance.
Jenni A - East St Kilda
I have been referring my patients to Health In Balance since first meeting with Edouard and Daniel perhaps 2 years ago. I refer patients with diabetes, osteoarthritis, obesity, patients at risk of falls as well as any other chronic medical condition that will benefit from improved strength, balance and fitness.
The team at Health in Balance often work under a team care plan and in the case of Type 2 diabetes, this is enhanced by their provision of group classes. It is not uncommon for my patients to opt to continue with their program at Health in Balance after their Medicare funded sessions have run out; this in itself is a great testament to the care and professionalism of the team.
I have always received excellent feedback from patients about the personalised services that the team at Health in Balance provides. For many elderly patients it is a reintroduction to exercise that they were fearful of making on their own.
I also recieve very prompt and detailed correspoondence from Health in Balance - both in terms of contributing to a team care plan as well as progress reports and recommendations for further management. It is a pleasure to work in partnersip with Edouard and Daniel and their team.
Dr S Monagle - Beaumaris
After my fall where I sustained a serious injury to my elbow requiring surgery and finding I had osteoporosis I consulted with Edouard and Daniel at Health in Balance to help my rehabilitation.
I have attended there since March of 2013 and continue to do so.
I was impressed at their thorough approach taking into account my surgical and medical issues to plan an appropriate regime of sessions with them and a home exercise regime to follow.
It has always been varied interesting and has helped restore function and allow me to return to pre injury function as well as improving core stability and posture.
I would recommend them to anyone with any medical or post surgical issues requiring a coordinated comprehensive approach that is not only beneficial but enjoyable.
Dr Peter J - Caulfield
Earlier this year, I was referred by a friend to the exercise physiologists at Health in Balance.
I arrived with a long list of issues, including back and neck problems and a painful hamstring injury that had troubled me for a couple of years. These issues were certainly affecting my life and my ability to carry out everyday tasks, but the worst part was that I had lost confidence that I could exercise or get fit without injuring myself further.
At Health in Balance, I was assessed and given an exercise program that aimed to strengthen the muscles around my injuries, correct my posture, and improve my core strength and flexibility.
Ten months down the track and three programs later, my injuries are fading into the background, and each week I feel stronger and fitter. Thank you to Daniel, Edouard and Stephanie for your expert guidance and continual monitoring.
Kaye Q - East Brighton
Since attending the Stronger for Longer sessions at Health in Balance, my fitness has immensely improved on all levels. Not only do I have the energy to accomplish more in 24 hours, but i feel stronger mentally than ever before. Thank you Edouard and Daniel!
Susan G - Eisternwick
I have been plagued by back problems over many years and more recently by a recurrence of neck soreness and swollen and painful knees. Health in Balance has provided a comprehensive program to address all these issues compared to the “piecemeal” interventions that I have received in the past. The exercises have been carefully selected and graded to meet my current level of fitness while gradually extending my strength. I am enjoying a noticeably increased range of movement throughout my body and feel confident to attempt exercises that I previously regarded as beyond my ability. My thanks to Dan and Edouard for their encouragement and ongoing support.
Felicia S - Bentleigh East
I have suffered with a great deal of stiffness and intermittent pain in my neck and back for some years now, owing primarily to my poor posture and lack of physical exercise. Health in Balance have provided me with a series of exercises which I complete once per week at the clinic, and a separate program that I can complete at home on a more regular basis. The result has been a very marked improvement, and I am able to once again sleep uninterrupted, free of pain. I also feel more energetic!
June K - St Kilda East
I had been suffering from radicular pain down my leg due to a bulging disc for a long time and this was interrupting my day to day life as well as my sleep.
After consulting Health in Balance over a three week period, pain had significantly reduced and my function is about 90% better than what it was previously. Three months into my exercise rehab i continue to improve in strength, function and am enjoying uninterrupted sleep. I am amazed at the improvement and am virtually pain free now.
Dianne K - Caulfield